Integrative Rehabilitation Therapy – Medical Massage

Your injury is as unique as you are. Everyone experiences pain, movement and recovery differently. Integrative Rehabilitation Therapy (IRT) is a customized treatment plan that helps you feel better faster by addressing your soft tissues and joints to alleviate your pain, improve your mobility and range of motion. IRT uses a combination of skilled clinical and orthopedic techniques utilizing assessments, manual therapy, therapeutic and functional strength exercises, inflammation and nutritional intervention. This includes self-management education to understand your injury and evidence based treatment techniques to speed up your recovery, reducing your risk of experiencing similar pain again.

A truly effective treatment requires an approach integrating all the tissues of the body, nutrition, and movement. This allows us to look at the body as a “whole organism” because of its many interconnected systems. Many people experience significant improvement within three to five visits.

Advance Manual Therapy

Advanced Manual Therapy is a specialized massage and orthopedic approach used to address soft tissues and joint structures to decrease pain. This technique helps to repair bio-mechanic and ergonomic dysfunctions by observing the fascial planes of your body in motion and at rest.

This is done by targeting soft tissues and joint structures to:

  • Bring balance to structures
  • Alleviate pain
  • Enhance immunity
  • Heal injuries
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve joint flexibility
  • Prevent Further Joint Damage
  • Ease stress, depression, and anxiety

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral manipulation was developed by world-renowned French Osteopath and Physical Therapist Jean-Pierre Barral. It is a gentle type of manual therapy that assesses the structural relationships between the viscera (organs), and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the various systems in the body. It encourages your own natural mechanisms to improve the functional and structural imbalances throughout the body including musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive and lymphatic dysfunction that addresses the mobility and motility of your organs. It is used to improve the function and mobility of your organs, muscles, skeletal issues, vascular, nervous, urinary, respiratory and digestive system functions are improved and restored.

Comparative studies found Visceral Manipulation beneficial for various disorders.

  • Whiplash and seatbelt injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Lower back pain and sciatica
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Joint pain
  • Digestive disorders
  • Acid reflux
  • Post-operative scar tissue pain
  • Swallowing dysfunctions
  • Women’s and men’s health issues
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Fibroids and cysts
  • Pediatric health issuies
  • Colic
  • Anxiety and depression

Spontaneous Muscle Release (SMRT)

This is a technique that is based in the positional release and orthobionomy modalities. It is used to interrupt pain signals in the body, resolve trigger points, and calm the parasympathetic nervous system, and is stimulating to the lymphatic system. By working with all tissues in any given area, SMRT easily and quickly allows the nervous system and tissues to balance and the joint structures to realign, bringing the body back to homeostasis.

  • Addresses structures beyond massaging muscles; including, ligaments, tendons, and fascia
  • Resets the neutral point between muscles cells and tendons
  • Releases trigger points

Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition plays an important role in helping the body to recover. If you are consuming foods that cause inflammation, your body is in a chronic state of inflammation and stress.  Additional stress from any injury, pain or dysfunction further increases the production of stress hormones.

Learn what foods you can and should be eating to supply your body with the vital nutrients it needs to heal. Your body expends a lot of energy trying to heal.  Your body is working hard to maintain normal body chemistry (especially if you are on any medications). It is working hard just trying to do everything you normally do.  And if you are eating poorly it really makes it difficult to recover from illness and injury. If you are not fueling your body with the nutrients it needs the most while expending the least amount of energy, your body will take them from places you really can not afford to lose. Your organs, muscles and bones. Altering your diet will address not only help with healing from an how do youinjury but a wide array of health problems, including autoimmune disorders, allergies and metabolic functions.

With the right information and tactics for eating and healing you can create a body by design and not by default.


Wellness Warrior uses and sells RockTape kinesiotape tape and topical pain relief products. Rock tape microscopically lifts the skin away from the muscle and fascia below, creating a decompressive effect interrupting the pain signal. Kinesiotaping changes  the way your body interprets pain.

Kinesiotaping is functional taping for the purpose of treating sports and non-sports injuries, including shin splints, plantar fasciitis, runner’s knee and back pain and more.

  • Turns down the amount of pain your body perceives.
  • Enhances your healing processes by
  • Delays muscle fatigue
  • Aides in edema/swelling management
  • Down regulates neuropathic pain
  • Aides with scar mobility
  • Distributes physical stress
  • Assists with postural management

RockSauce Fire and RockSauce Chill are topical pain-relieving products. Rocksauce Fire works by causing a strong heating sensation with the combination of menthol and capsaicin to soothe sore muscles and joints lasting for hours. RockSauce chill relieves muscle and joint pain. It contains a strong 6% menthol (thats almost 30% more than other brands) and other powerful ingredients that provide a powerfully icy sensation. The combination of Arnica, Green Tea and Aloe stops pain fast, soothing your sore muscles for hours with natural ingredients to reduce swelling and keep skin irritation-free. Both RockSauce products Come in a convenient 3 oz massaging roll-on bottle to keep your hands clean and clear of the powerful active ingredient.

Metabolic Testing

As we age, our metabolism changes. Challenging situations such as stress, varying activity levels, dietary needs, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, illnesses, and changing medications affect our metabolism. Knowing how your metabolism is functioning helps to identify and develop the most effective path to help you reach your health and wellness goals.
Nutrition, movement, and proper structural alignment is key to longevity and an increased quality of life. Knowing your body’s resting metabolic rate helps you to understand your body’s daily caloric needs. This helps us know how much you should be eating to stay healthy and understand the health of your organs. This information is key to developing proper strategies to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Before your test

  1. A Metabolic Screening MUST be scheduled by phone a minimum of 3 days in advance
  2. Do not eat a moderate (~500 kCal) meal within 4 hours of your screening
  3. Wait at least 4 hours after moderate exercise; at least 12 hours after strenuous exercise for an accurate result
  4. Drinking water before the measurement is fine, but avoid drinking coffee, tea, milk, or other beverages 4 hours before the measurement

Neck Pain

Your neck is made up of your collar bone, cervical spine, and soft tissues.  The soft tissues are made up of muscles, tendons and ligaments that connect your cervical spine to your head, shoulders, collar bones, ribs and low back. When your neck is healthy it moves in a multitude of directions. Because of this it is at risk for more injuries and structural changes as it is less protected than the rest of your spine. Problems with your neck and/or jaw can lead to headaches, shoulder pain and lower back pain. Generally an accident, overuse injuries, a forward head position, diseases, or improper sleeping habits can cause neck pain.

TMJ Pain

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is made up of soft tissues, your temporal bone and your jaw bone. These soft tissues connect your jaw and skull to open and close your mouth. Together these structures work when you talk, chew and swallow.  Therefore, if your jaw becomes misaligned, you will experience dysfunction, pain, and clicking. As a result, this joint will decalcify and deteriorate. Your neck, shoulders, collar bones, and ribs play a role in the way the muscles of your jaw are functioning. A forward head position, overuse injury, accident,  improper sleeping habits and diseases can be attributed to most TMJ pain.

Shoulder Pain

Your shoulder is highly susceptible to injury and trauma. It is the most mobile joint in your body. Therefore, it is also the most unstable joint in your body. Your shoulder blades attach to your ribs, collar bones, and arms by the muscles and ligaments to make up your shoulder joint. These muscles need to work in harmony for your shoulder to function properly. Reaching into the back seat while driving, poor posture at your desk, a fall, or even executing a movement or exercise incorrectly, overuse of your arm, your neck, or accidents that cause strains or sprains of your shoulder muscles and/or ligaments can lead to shoulder pain and disease.

Elbow, Hand, and Wrist Pain

Your arm is comprised of your elbow, hand and wrist. The soft tissues and joints of your arm work together to perform both large and small movements. The muscles of your hand cross through your wrist and attach to your elbow. Muscles from your shoulder also cross the elbow. Pain in your elbow, wrist, and hand can be due to repetitive actions, trauma, overuse, or holding and/or carrying too much weight over an extended period of time.  Compromising any of these joints will result in inhibited motion and pain when performing even the simplest of tasks. As a result, dysfunction and pain will occur. 

Upper and Middle Back Pain

Your upper and middle back is a complex system of structures comprised of your thoracic vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. These structures connect the upper back to the and and shoulder. They stabilize your upper back while mobilizing your ribs, shoulders and neck. They also stabilize your shoulders while mobilizing your upper and mid back. Poor posture, injury or trauma as well as age-related factors including bone strength, muscular strength, joint integrity and elasticity can alter your functional structure and increase your susceptibility to dysfunction, injury, and pain. This can also lead to organ dysfunction.

Low Back Pain

Your low back is comprised of your lumbar vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. These structures connect movement between your upper and lower body. They stabilize your upper body while mobilizing your lower body. Most low back pain can be attributed to poor posture, injury or trauma due to a sprain or strain of your muscles and/or ligaments causing dysfunction and structural changes. Poor posture, poor body mechanics, poor organ function, weak core musculature and additional body weight also contribute to dysfunction and structural changes resulting in subsequent pain.

Hip Pain

Your hip is comprised of your sacrum, hip bones, thigh bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. These support you when your are standing, sitting, and moving. These muscles and structures connect movement between your upper and lower body to keep your body fluid. Hip pain can be attributed to injury or trauma due to a sprain or strain of your hip muscles and/or ligaments causing dysfunction and structural changes. Poor posture, poor body mechanics, poor organ function, weak core musculature and additional body weight also contribute to dysfunction and structural changes that cause hip pain.

Pelvic Pain

Your pelvic floor is made up of an intricate system of muscles that attach inside the hip bones, attaching to the tailbone and inner thighs. When the structures and muscles of the hip, abdominals and back are changed the pelvic floor is also changed and does not function well. These changes can occur from a slip and catching yourself, a slip and fall, an accident, hormonal changes, physical activity, additional abdominal fat, or child birth. Pelvic pain can interfere with daily living causing changes in tailbone function, pelvic floor function, bowel or bladder function and cause painful intercourse.

Knee Pain

Your knee is hinge joint comprised of bones, nerves, ligaments, and muscles. These structures bend and straighten your knees. Proper function of your knee depends on the proper positioning and function of the foot, ankle and hip during movement. The knee is especially at risk for injury during lateral and pivoting movements. Knee pain can be attributed to injury or trauma due to a sprain or strain of your muscles and/or ligaments causing dysfunction and structural changes. Poor posture, poor body mechanics, hormonal changes (going through puberty) and “wear and tear” contribute to structural changes, dysfunction and pain.

Ankle Pain

Your ankles are made up of bones, nerves, ligaments, and muscles. Your two lower leg bones form your ankle bones and rest on top of your foot bones forming your ankle. These structures mobilize and stabilize your ankles and feet. Alterations in these structures and the movement of these structures create stress in the knees, hips and low back. Ankle pain can be attributed to poor standing posture, poor sitting posture, poor body mechanics, weight gain, structural changes, poor shoes and “wear and tear” causing injury or trauma spraining or straining your muscles and/or ligaments causing dysfunction and pain in the ankle.